Dein Warenkorb

Price is $8 and update or changes to the product will not affect the price to go up
Sandy gas station
Package includes
3 models
2 mlos
revamp location
free updates
About this product
so i made somewhere for your to repair a car and fill up your tank,
Planned content
what would the update have to offer?
retextures being lore and unlore sets
remodel the gas station mlo
How would i get the update? easy when a update roles out ill have you dm me on here to get the updated files (Updated files will be uploaded to the speichern once there ready)
Patch 1
-fixed left over cols by pump
Update 1.2
-fixed left over cols by pump
-fixed floating props
-fixed some lods
add lights
-fixed prop rotations
-more minor bug fixes
Know bugs and will be fixed with patches
-report any

Why buy now?

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Sandy Shores Tankstelle


Sandy Shores Tankstelle

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