I started this project because I was looking for a Discord Bot capable of doing ESX commands, I found one but I just felt the price was too much for so little.
- Python 3.9.2
- FXServer
- ESX 1.1 or older
- Status (=status)
- Revive (=revive)
- Give Account Money (=giveaccountmoney)
- Give Item (=giveitem)
- Give Weapon (=giveweapon)
- Refresh Resources (=refresh)
- Start Resource (=start)
- Stop Resource (=stop)
- Restart Resource (=restart)
- Set Arbeit (=setjob)
- Kick (=kick)
- Announce (=announce)
The script has a lot of customization options within the config, all embeds that the bot sends are customizable including the webhook that sends back error messages/confirmations.
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