Dein Warenkorb


Config = {}

Config.CuffItem = ‘cuff’
Config.CuffKeysItem = ‘cuff_keys’
Config.RopeItem = ‘rope’
Config.BagToHeadItem = ‘headbag’
Config.ElectronicCuffItem = ‘electrocuff’
Config.ElectronicCuffTrackerItem = ‘electrocufftracker’

Config.OpenMenuKey = 167 –f6
Config.InventoryOpenKey = 289 — Disables this input when user is cuffed
Config.DisableWhenUserCuffed = {289, 37, 192, 204, 211, 349} — Disables these input when user is cuffed

Config.HandcuffIMG = ‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0resmon/db/main/img/black.png’
Config.HandcuffDefaultIMG = ‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0resmon/db/main/img/prop_chrome_03.png’
Config.HandcuffSound = ‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0resmon/db/main/sound/handcuff.mp3’

Config.RealtimeGPS = true — WARNING: Enabling this option will enable realtime gps isntead of just marking gps location on tablet but it may cause a lot of cps/ram usage on both client and server side.
Config.RealtimeGPSRefreshMS = 1000 — WARNING: This option directly affect cpu/ram usage, so be carefull when changing it! It controls how fast the gps will refresh itself

Config.TestMode = false

Config.GetClosestPlayer = function()
return ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()

Config.Lang = {
[“no_one_nearby”] = “Det finns ingen i närheten”,
[“no_one_nearby_cuff”] = “Det finns ingen i närheten som kan lägga handbojor”,
[“no_one_nearby_cuff2”] = “han måste räcka upp händerna”,
[“menu_title”] = “Åtgärdsmeny”,
[“put_bag”] = “Ta bort påsen på huvudet”,
[“arac_bin”] = “Sätt in spelaren i bilen”,
[“arac_in”] = “Få ut spelaren i bilen”,
[“bacak_coz”] = “Lös upp repet på benet”,
[“bant_cikar”] = “Ta på/av tejpen i munnen”,
[“tasi”] = “Flytta spelare”,
[“birak”] = “Släpp spelare”,
[“tape_type”] = “Välj bandtyp”,
[“bant”] = “Svart tejp”,
[“money”] = “Kontanter”,

Config.MenuElements = {

{ value = “arac_bin”, label = Config.Lang[“arac_bin”] },
{ value = “arac_in”, label = Config.Lang[“arac_in”] },
{ value = “bacak_coz”, label = Config.Lang[“bacak_coz”] },
{ value = “bant_cikar”, label = Config.Lang[“bant_cikar”] },
{ value = “tasi”, label = Config.Lang[“tasi”] },
{ value = “birak”, label = Config.Lang[“birak”] }

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