Config file
Config = {} Config.Framework = 'esx' -- autodetect, qb, oldqb, esx, oldesx Config.SQL = "oxmysql" -- oxmysql, ghmattimysql, mysql-async Config.ItemImagesFolder = "nui://ox_inventory/web/images/" Config.MenuKey = 38 Config.InteractionHandler = 'ox_target' -- drawtext, ox_target, qb_target, qb_textui, esx_textui Config.AdminMenuCommand = "adminboss" Config.DefaultImage = '' Config.Admins = { "admin", "superadmin", "god", "mod", "moderator", } Config.Certifications = { { name = "air_support", label = "Air Support Division", icon = 'air_support_icon.svg', }, { name = "burglary_task", label = "Burglary Task Force", icon = 'burglary_task_icon.svg', }, { name = "field_training_officer", label = "Field Officer", icon = 'field_training_icon.svg', }, { name = "high_speed_pursuit_unit", label = "High Speed Pursuit Unit", icon = 'high_speed_pursuit_unit_icon.svg', }, { name = "high_value_target_unit", label = "High Value Target Unit", icon = 'high_value_target_unit_icon.svg', }, { name = "k9_unit", label = "K9 Unit", icon = 'k9_unit_icon.svg', }, { name = "major_crimes_unit", label = "Major Crimes Unit", icon = 'major_crimes_unit_icon.svg', }, { name = "motorcycle", label = "Motorcycle", icon = 'motorcycle_icon.svg', }, { name = "shark_rangers_unit", label = "Shark Rangers Unit", icon = 'shark_rangers_icon.svg', }, } Config.Inventory = "ox_inventory" -- codem-inventory, qb_inventory, esx_inventory, ox_inventory, qs_inventory Config.BlacklistedItems = { -- items you don't want to show up on the menu -- "water", -- "weapon_pistol" } Config.Notify = function(message) if Config.Framework == 'esx' or Config.Framework == 'oldesx' then TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message) else TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, "info", 1500) end end Config.Clothes = "fivem-appearance" -- fivem-appearance -- illenium-appearance -- codem-appearance -- esx_skin -- qb-clothing function openClothingMenu() if Config.Clothes == 'fivem-appearance' then TriggerEvent("fivem-appearance:client:openClothingShopMenu", false) end if Config.Clothes == 'illenium-appearance' then TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openClothingShop", false) end if Config.Clothes == 'codem-appearance' then TriggerEvent("codem-appereance:OpenClothing") --[[ // Add this code in codem-appereance client/clothing.lua RegisterNetEvent("codem-appereance:OpenClothing") AddEventHandler("codem-appereance:OpenClothing", function() OpenMenu("binco") end) --]] end if Config.Clothes == 'esx_skin' then TriggerEvent("esx_skin:openMenu") end if Config.Clothes == 'qb-clothes' then TriggerEvent("qb-clothing:client:openMenu") end end function RefreshSkin() if Config.Clothes == 'fivem-appearance' then TriggerEvent("fivem-appearance:client:reloadSkin") end if Config.Clothes == 'illenium-appearance' then TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:reloadSkin") end if Config.Clothes == 'codem-appearance' then TriggerEvent("codem-appearance:reloadSkin") end if Config.Clothes == 'esx_skin' then TriggerEvent("esx_skin:getLastSkin", function(lastSkin) TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', lastSkin) end) end if Config.Clothes == 'qb-clothes' then TriggerEvent("qb-clothing:reloadSkin") --[[ // Add this code in qb-clothing client/main.lua RegisterNetEvent("qb-clothing:reloadSkin") AddEventHandler("qb-clothing:reloadSkin", function() local playerPed = PlayerPedId() local health = GetEntityHealth(playerPed) reloadSkin(health) end) --]] end end function onBossMenuOpen() end function onBossMenuClose() end function badgenumber(source) -- your function to get player badge number return 0 end
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