Config file:
Config = {} -- Voice system selection: "pma-voice" or "saltychat". Config.VoiceSystem = "pma-voice" -- Use a custom notification system (true) or the default one (false). Config.UseCustomNotify = false -- Radio item name Config.RadioItem = "radio" Config.RadioToggleKey = "O" -- Restricted channels for professions. Config.RestrictedChannels = { [1] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [2] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [3] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [4] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [5] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [6] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [7] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [8] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [9] = { police = true, ambulance = true }, [10] = { police = true, ambulance = true } } -- Jammer settings to interfere with communication. Config.JammerSettings = { available = true, -- Jammers are available in the game. item_name = 'jammer', -- Name of the jammer item used by players. restricted_jobs = { police = true }, -- Only certain jobs can use jammers. object = "sm_prop_smug_jammer", -- Object representing the jammer in the game world. min_distance_between_jammers = 15, -- Minimum distance allowed between two jammers. range = 10.0, -- Effective range of the jammers. } -- Maximum frequency value allowed in the game's radio communication system. Config.MaxFrequency = 999 -- Default language/locale for the game's text-based content (English). Config.Locale = 'en' -- ! PMA Voice Configs -- Radio communication effects and animation settings. -- Enable radio submix (voice sounds like on real radio). Config.RadioEffect = true -- Enable animation while talking on the radio. Config.RadioAnimation = true -- Default keybind for talking on the radio (CAPS). Config.RadioKey = 'CAPS'
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