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HUD avanzado para ESX y QBCore

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Script de HUD avanzado para servidores FiveM

¡Script de HUD avanzado para tus servidores! Estética moderna, amplias opciones de personalización de jugadores y optimización de primer nivel: estos son los elementos esenciales que tu servidor necesita para destacarse en la comunidad de FiveM. Nuestro último script de HUD es una combinación perfecta de estilo, funcionalidad y rendimiento, diseñado para mejorar la experiencia de juego tanto para servidores ESX como QBCore. ¡Sumérgete en los detalles a continuación y descubre cómo nuestro script puede transformar tu servidor en un centro de juegos más atractivo, personalizado y eficiente!

🔗 Integración automática con ESX y QBCore
Disfrute de una integración perfecta con ESX y QBCore. Nuestro script reemplaza automáticamente las notificaciones predeterminadas, las barras de progreso y las notificaciones de ayuda, lo que simplifica el proceso de configuración y mejora su juego desde el principio.

Atractivo estético moderno
Nuestro script HUD presenta una interfaz moderna y visualmente impactante. Con gráficos nítidos y un diseño elegante, está diseñado para impresionar. ¡Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería para ver el aspecto futurista que podría redefinir la apariencia de tu servidor!

⚙️ Posiciones de iconos personalizables
¡La máxima flexibilidad! Nuestro script permite a los jugadores personalizar su HUD ajustando las posiciones de varios íconos. Esta personalización se guarda por usuario, lo que garantiza una experiencia consistente y personalizada cada vez que se unen a su servidor.

🌈 Opciones de personalización de color
¡Sumérgete en un mundo de colores! Los jugadores tienen la libertad de cambiar los colores del HUD, lo que garantiza que su interfaz se adapte perfectamente a su estilo o estado de ánimo personal.

🌙 Cambio automático entre modo oscuro y claro
Nuestra innovadora función DarkMode/LightMode ajusta automáticamente el HUD según la hora del día. Esto garantiza una visibilidad y legibilidad óptimas, brindando comodidad y claridad las 24 horas del día.

⚠️ Recordatorios de bajo nivel de estado
No te pierdas nada con nuestro sistema de recordatorios inteligentes. Cuando el hambre o cualquier otro estado baja demasiado, nuestro script envía notificaciones oportunas como "Tienes hambre. Come algo" para mantener a los jugadores informados y comprometidos.

¡Transforma tu servidor con nuestro script de HUD avanzado hoy mismo! Mejora la experiencia de juego de tus jugadores y haz que tu servidor se destaque en la comunidad FiveM. ¡Prepárate para redefinir lo que puede hacer un HUD!

Descarga directa
Garantía de satisfacción
Asistencia 24/7

Config file

-- { } --
Config = {}
Config.Autoinstall = true -- Automatic install to another scritps (qb-core, ex_extended)
Config.UseMPH = false
Config.CompassFollowGameCam = true
Config.SoundVolume = 1.0
Config.DefaultVoiceMode = 2
Config.MaxVoiceMode = 3
Config.EnableSpeedometer = true     -- If you want to disable speedometer for aby reason just set it to false
Config.MaxNotifyStack = 5           -- Max ammount of notifcations "per once". All notifications above this number wait until the old ones disappear
Config.ShowDateIfTimeIsReal = false -- If you set time type to "real" does should also display date?

Config.SeatBelts = {
    Enable = true,                                  -- You can just disable whole system
    Key = "B",                                      -- Fasten key
    AllowExit = true,                              -- If belts fasten player should be able to exit from vehicle?
    BlacklistedClasses = { 8, 13, 14 },             -- In this classes there is no seatbelts
    BlacklistedModels = {},                         -- Enter here models that doesn't have seatbelts. Example: BlacklistedModels = { `sultan`, `zentorno` },
    Warning = true,                                 -- Should play *beep* *beep* when player driving with not fasten belts
    WarningVolume = 30,                             -- Volume of warning sound Scale: <0-100>
    WarningSpeed = 15,                              -- Speed above you will hear a warning
    TogglingSound = true,                           -- Play soung if toggle betls
    TogglingSoundVolume = 30,                       -- Volume of toggling sound
    TogglingSoundIsGlobal = false,                  -- Every player in nearby should hear sound or only player that toggling?
    TogglingSoundIsGlobalDistance = 5.0,            -- If global function enabled then you can specify distance here

Config.DarkModeStartsAt = "21:00"
Config.DarkModeEndsAt = "6:00"

Config.SettingsKeybind = "U"

Config.BigRadarKey = nil        -- You can add possiblity to open big radar when holding key. Key is not a KeyMapping, but the control index from fivem docs.
Config.ShowRadarIfHidden = true -- If radar is hidden and you set Config.BigRadarKey then key also show radar

-- Stress system
Config.EnableStress = false           -- Use build-in stress system
Config.AddStressWhileShooting = true -- Should add stress while shooting?
Config.StressingSpeed = 100          -- Speed above which you start to get stressed
Config.MinimumStressForEffects = 50  -- Minimum Stress amount to start effects

Config.EnableRadarZoom = true       -- If your minimap is blurred, set this to true.
Config.RadarZoom = 1000              -- Radar Zoom

Config.ComponentsToHide = { 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22 }

-- Here you can add vehicle by models in which speedometer doesn't appear
Config.BlacklistedVehicleModels = {
    -- Just add as much as you want like bellow:
    -- `sultan`,

-- Here you can add vehicle classes in which speedometer doesn't appear
Config.BlacklistedVehicleClasses = {
    -- 0, -- Compacts
    -- 1, -- Sedans
    -- 2, -- SUVs
    -- 3, -- Coupes
    -- 4, -- Muscle
    -- 5, -- Sports Classics
    -- 6, -- Sports
    -- 7, -- Super
    -- 8, -- Motorcycles
    -- 9, -- Off-road
    -- 10, -- Industrial
    -- 11, -- Utility
    -- 12, -- Vans
    13, -- Cycles
    -- 14, -- Boats
    -- 15, -- Helicopters
    -- 16, -- Planes
    -- 17, -- Service
    -- 18, -- Emergency
    -- 19, -- Military
    -- 20, -- Commercial
    -- 21, -- Trains
    -- 22, -- Open Wheel

Config.StressEffects = {
        Min = 50,
        Max = 60,
        Timeout = math.random(50000, 60000),
        Blur = 1500,
        Min = 60,
        Max = 70,
        Timeout = math.random(40000, 50000),
        Blur = 2000,
        Min = 70,
        Max = 80,
        Timeout = math.random(30000, 40000),
        Blur = 2500,
        Min = 80,
        Max = 90,
        Timeout = math.random(20000, 30000),
        Blur = 3000,
        Min = 90,
        Max = 100,
        Timeout = math.random(10000, 20000),
        Blur = 3500,
        RagdollTime = 2000,

-- Here you can confugure some notifications when status if lower/bigger than the set value
Config.StatusNotifications = {
    -- {
    -- status (Status type): string["Health", "Vest", "Hunger", "Thirst", "Stress", "Oxygen", "Stamina"]
    -- lowerThan (Show notification when status is lower than): number<0, 100>
    -- biggerThan (Show notification when status is bigger than): number<0, 100>
    -- notifyTitle (Notify title): string
    -- notifyMessage (Notify message): string
    -- },
        status = "Thirst",
        lowerThan = 10,
        notifyTitle = "Thirsty",
        notifyMessage = "You are feeling thirsty. Drink something",
        status = "Hunger",
        lowerThan = 10,
        notifyTitle = "Hungry",
        notifyMessage = "You are feeling hungry. Eat something",

-- Default HUD colors. NOTE: colors must be specified as 8 character hex code (first 6 letters = color, 2 last letters = opacity)
Config.DefaultColors = {
    ['light'] = {
        ["--color-primary"] = "#679bffff",
        ["--color-secondary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-primary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-secondary"] = "#ffffffb0",
        ["--color-transparent"] = "#c2c2c24c",
    ['dark'] = {
        ["--color-primary"] = "#679bffff",
        ["--color-secondary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-primary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-secondary"] = "#ffffffb0",
        ["--color-transparent"] = "#0000004c",

-- Here you can disable some settings, or disable the whole command with keybind
Config.EnableSettings = false
Config.CommandString = "openHudSettings"
Config.Settings = {
    ["positions"] = true,
    ["colors"] = true,
    ["theme"] = true,
    ["timeType"] = true,
    ["speed"] = true,
    ["minimap"] = true,
    ["cinematic"] = true,
    ["volume"] = true,
    ["healthAndVest"] = true,
    ["food"] = true,
    ["stress"] = true,
    ["oxygen"] = true,
    ["stamina"] = true,
    ["voice"] = true,
    ["location"] = true,
    ["radio"] = true,
    ["time"] = true,
    ["cash"] = true,
    ["dirt_money"] = true,
    ["society_money"] = true,
    ["bank"] = true,
    ["weapon"] = true,
    ["serverId"] = true,
    ["job"] = true,

-- Default HUD settings
Config.DefaultSettings = {
    ['AutoTheme'] = true,      -- Values: [true, false]. Enables that theme work in automatic mode (depends from time)
    ['DarkMode'] = true,      -- Values: [true, false]. If AutoTheme is false, then the hud theme will be set to this value
    ['Time'] = "server",       -- Values: ['server', 'real']. Should display server time or real time?
    ['SpeedUnits'] = "kmh",    -- Values: ['kmh', 'mph']. Default speed units. (NOTE: DO NO TOUCH! Sets automatically from Config.UseMPH)
    ['Map'] = true,         -- Values: [true, false, 'inCar']. When radar should be displayed
    ['CinematicMode'] = false, -- Values: [true, false]. Is that CinematicMode enabled
    ['NotifyVolume'] = 50,     -- Values: <0, 100>. Default notifications sounds volume
    ['healthAndVest'] = true,  -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Health and Vest componenets. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['food'] = true,           -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Hunger and Thirt componenet. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['stress'] = true,         -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Stress componenet. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['oxygen'] = true,         -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Oxygen component. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['stamina'] = true,        -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Stamina component. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['voice'] = true,          -- Values: [true, false]. Show Microphone component
    ['location'] = true,       -- Values: [true, false, 'inCar']. Show location component
    ['radio'] = true,          -- Values: [true, false]. Show radio component
    ['time'] = true,           -- Values: [true, false]. Show time component
    ['cash'] = true,           -- Values: [true, false]. Show cash component
    ['dirt_money'] = true,     -- Values: [true, false]. Show dirt_money component
    ['society_money'] = true,  -- Values: [true, false]. Show society_money component
    ['bank'] = true,           -- Values: [true, false]. Show bank component
    ['weapon'] = true,         -- Values: [true, false]. Show weapon component
    ['serverId'] = true,       -- Values: [true, false]. Show server id component
    ['job'] = true,            -- Values: [true, false]. Show job component

-- Default HUD components positions
Config.DefaultPositions = {
    -- Values: [false, { x = <0,1>, y = <0,1> }]
    -- False - default position. Table with numbers - percent of screen that component will be placed
    -- Ex. { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 } will place component at center of screen
    ["location"] = { x = 0.165, y = 0.97 },
    ["time"] = { x = 0.165, y = 0.915 },
    ["radio"] = { x = 0.01, y = 0.135 },
    ["bank"] = false,
    ["cash"] = false,
    ["dirt_money"] = false,
    ["society_money"] = false,
    ["weapon"] = { x = 0.01, y = 0.08 },
    ["healthAndVest"] = false,
    ["food"] = false,
    ["voice"] = false,
    ["stress"] = false,
    ["oxygen"] = false,
    ["stamina"] = false,
    ["vehicle"] = false,
    ["helpNotification"] = false,
    ["notifications"] = false,
    ["serverId"] = false,
    ["job"] = false,

-- Here you can absolutly remove some components from HUD. Values: [true, false]
Config.Components = {
    ["health"] = true,
    ["healthAndVest"] = true,
    ["oxygen"] = true,
    ["stamina"] = true,
    ["food"] = true,
    ["stress"] = true,
    ["radio"] = true,
    ["weapon"] = true,
    ["ammo"] = true,
    ["voice"] = true,
    ["cash"] = true,
    ["dirt_money"] = true,
    ["society_money"] = true,
    ["bank"] = true,
    ["time"] = true,
    ["location"] = true,
    ["serverId"] = true,
    ["job"] = true,

-- Your langugage
Config.Lang = {
    ["DefaultNotification"] = "Notifikacija",
    ['DefaultProgressBar'] = "Progress bar",
    ['AddingStress'] = "You are feeling more stressed",
    ['RemovingStress'] = "You are feeling more relexed",
    ["CancelProgressHint"] = "Pritisnite ~INPUT_VEH_DUCK~ da otkazete.",
    ["KeybindDescription"] = "Otvori HUD opcije",
    ["Location"] = "Lokacija",
    ["NUI_SERVER_TIME"] = "Vreme",
    ["NUI_RADIO_FREQUENCY"] = "Radio MHz",
    ["NUI_BANK"] = "Banka",
    ["NUI_CASH"] = "Novac",
    ["NUI_DIRT_MONEY"] = "Prljav novac",
    ["NUI_SOCIETY_MONEY"] = "Firma novac",
    ["NUI_MPH"] = "MPH",
    ["NUI_KMH"] = "KMH",
    ["NUI_SERVER_ID"] = "Vas ID",
    ["NUI_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE"] = "Notifikacija",
    ["NUI_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE"] = "This is example notification",
    ["NUI_DEFAULT_HELP_NOTIFICATION"] = "This is ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ example help notification",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HEADER"] = "HUD <strong>Opcije</strong>",
    "Here you can change some main hud features",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_EXIT"] = 'Pritisnite <span class="button">ESC</span> da izadjete.',
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS"] = "Promeni Icons <strong>Pozicije</strong>",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS_CANCEL"] = "Pritisnite <span>ESC</span> da otkazete.",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS_SAVE"] = "Pritisnite <span>Enter</span> da sacuvate.",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_COLORS"] = "HUD <strong>Boje</strong>",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_COLORS_SELECT_BTN"] = "Izaberi Boje",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CHOOSE_THEME"] = "Izaberi <strong>Temu</strong>",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_TIME"] = "Time Component",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SERVERTIME"] = "Game Time",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_REALTIME"] = "Real Life Time",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SPPED_UNIT"] = "Speed Unit",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_MINIMAP"] = "Display Minimap",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW"] = "Show",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HIDE"] = "Hide",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_ONLY_IN_CAR"] = "Only in car",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW_IF_UNDER"] = "Show if under",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW_IF_ABOVE"] = "Show if above",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CINEMATIC_MODE"] = "Cinematic Mode",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_VOLUME"] = "Notification Volume",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_STATUS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Status Elements</strong>",
    "Here you can change some display related settings",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HEALTH_AND_ARMOR"] = "Health and Armor",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HUNGER_AND_THIRST"] = "Hunger and Thirst",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_STRESS"] = "Stress",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_OXYGEN"] = "Oxygen",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_STAMINA"] = "Stamina",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_MICROPHONE"] = "Microphone",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_STREET_NAMES"] = "Street names",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_RADIO"] = "Radio",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_GAME_TIME"] = "Game time",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CASH"] = "Cash",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_DIRT_MONEY"] = "Dirt Money",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SOCIETY_MONEY"] = "Society Money",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_BANK"] = "Bank money",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_JOB"] = "Job",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SERVER_ID"] = "Server ID",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_WEAPON"] = "Current Weapon",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_WANT_TO_SAVE"] = "Do you want to save settings?",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SAVE"] = "Save",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CANCEL"] = "Cancel",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_RESET"] = "Reset",
    ["NUI_COLORS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Edit Colors</strong>",
    "Here you can change colors for choosed theme",
    ["NUI_COLORS_CHOOSE_THEME"] = "Choose <strong>Theme</strong>",
    ["NUI_COLORS_SELECT_COLORS"] = "Select Colors",
    ["NUI_COLORS_WANT_TO_SAVE"] = "Do you want to save?",

-- List of weapons. You can edit names and ammo displaying
Config.Weapons = {
    [`weapon_dagger`] = {
        label = "Antique Cavalry Dagger",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bat`] = {
        label = "Baseball Bat",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_bottle`] = {
        label = "Broken Bottle",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_crowbar`] = {
        label = "Crowbar",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_flashlight`] = {
        label = "Flashlight",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_golfclub`] = {
        label = "Golf Club",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_hammer`] = {
        label = "Hammer",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_hatchet`] = {
        label = "Hatchet",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_knuckle`] = {
        label = "Brass Knuckles",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_knife`] = {
        label = "Knife",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_machete`] = {
        label = "Machete",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_switchblade`] = {
        label = "Switchblade",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_nightstick`] = {
        label = "Nightstick",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_wrench`] = {
        label = "Pipe Wrench",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_battleaxe`] = {
        label = "Battle Axe",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_poolcue`] = {
        label = "Pool Cue",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_stone_hatchet`] = {
        label = "Stone Hatchet",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_candycane`] = {
        label = "Candy Cane",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_pistol`] = {
        label = "Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pistol_mk2`] = {
        label = "Pistol Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatpistol`] = {
        label = "Combat Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_appistol`] = {
        label = "AP Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_stungun`] = {
        label = "Stun Gun",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_pistol50`] = {
        label = "Pistol .50",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_snspistol`] = {
        label = "SNS Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_snspistol_mk2`] = {
        label = "SNS Pistol Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavypistol`] = {
        label = "Heavy Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_vintagepistol`] = {
        label = "Vintage Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_flaregun`] = {
        label = "Flare Gun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_marksmanpistol`] = {
        label = "Marksman Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_revolver`] = {
        label = "Heavy Revolver",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_revolver_mk2`] = {
        label = "Heavy Revolver Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_doubleaction`] = {
        label = "Double Action Revolver",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_raypistol`] = {
        label = "Up-n-Atomizer",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_ceramicpistol`] = {
        label = "Ceramic Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_navyrevolver`] = {
        label = "Navy Revolver",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_gadgetpistol`] = {
        label = "Perico Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_stungun_mp`] = {
        label = "Stun Gun",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_pistolxm3`] = {
        label = "WM 29 Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_microsmg`] = {
        label = "Micro SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_smg`] = {
        label = "SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_smg_mk2`] = {
        label = "SMG Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultsmg`] = {
        label = "Assault SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatpdw`] = {
        label = "Combat PDW",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_machinepistol`] = {
        label = "Machine Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_minismg`] = {
        label = "Mini SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_raycarbine`] = {
        label = "Unholy Hellbringer",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_tecpistol`] = {
        label = "Tactical SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pumpshotgun`] = {
        label = "Pump Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2`] = {
        label = "Pump Shotgun Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_sawnoffshotgun`] = {
        label = "Sawed-Off Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultshotgun`] = {
        label = "Assault Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bullpupshotgun`] = {
        label = "Bullpup Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_musket`] = {
        label = "Musket",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavyshotgun`] = {
        label = "Heavy Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_dbshotgun`] = {
        label = "Double Barrel Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_autoshotgun`] = {
        label = "Sweeper Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatshotgun`] = {
        label = "Combat Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultrifle`] = {
        label = "Assault Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultrifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Assault Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_carbinerifle`] = {
        label = "Carbine Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_carbinerifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Carbine Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_advancedrifle`] = {
        label = "Advanced Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_specialcarbine`] = {
        label = "Special Carbine",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_specialcarbine_mk2`] = {
        label = "Special Carbine Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bullpuprifle`] = {
        label = "Bullpup Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Bullpup Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_compactrifle`] = {
        label = "Compact Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_militaryrifle`] = {
        label = "Military Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavyrifle`] = {
        label = "Heavy Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_tacticalrifle`] = {
        label = "Tactical Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_mg`] = {
        label = "MG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatmg`] = {
        label = "Combat MG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatmg_mk2`] = {
        label = "Combat MG Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_gusenberg`] = {
        label = "Gusenberg Sweeper",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_sniperrifle`] = {
        label = "Sniper Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavysniper`] = {
        label = "Heavy Sniper",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavysniper_mk2`] = {
        label = "Heavy Sniper Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_marksmanrifle`] = {
        label = "Marksman Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Marksman Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_precisionrifle`] = {
        label = "Precision Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_rpg`] = {
        label = "RPG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_grenadelauncher`] = {
        label = "Grenade Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke`] = {
        label = "Grenade Launcher Smoke",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_minigun`] = {
        label = "Minigun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_firework`] = {
        label = "Firework Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_railgun`] = {
        label = "Railgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_hominglauncher`] = {
        label = "Homing Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_compactlauncher`] = {
        label = "Compact Grenade Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_rayminigun`] = {
        label = "Widowmaker",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_emplauncher`] = {
        label = "Compact EMP Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_railgunxm3`] = {
        label = "Railgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_grenade`] = {
        label = "Grenade",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bzgas`] = {
        label = "BZ Gas",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_molotov`] = {
        label = "Molotov Cocktail",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_stickybomb`] = {
        label = "Sticky Bomb",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_proxmine`] = {
        label = "Proximity Mines",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_snowball`] = {
        label = "Snowballs",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pipebomb`] = {
        label = "Pipe Bombs",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_ball`] = {
        label = "Baseball",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_smokegrenade`] = {
        label = "Tear Gas",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_flare`] = {
        label = "Flare",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_acidpackage`] = {
        label = "Acid Package",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_petrolcan`] = {
        label = "Jerry Can",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_fireextinguisher`] = {
        label = "Fire Extinguisher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_hazardcan`] = {
        label = "Hazardous Jerry Can",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_fertilizercan`] = {
        label = "Fertilizer Can",
        displayAmmo = true,
-- { } --



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