Config file:
Config = {
Language = 'en', -- Language library used for the script, see the last lines to modify the text of the language. (Config.Languages)
CommandEnabled = true, -- Activate or not the system to take it via the command.
GrabCommand = 'grab', -- Command to take the person by the arm (modifiable from cl_utils.lua)
PutCarCommand = 'putcar', -- Command to put the person into the vehicle. (modifiable from cl_utils.lua)
ExitCarCommand = 'exitcar', -- Command to get the player out of a vehicle. (modifiable from cl_utils.lua)
ESX = { -- ESX compatibility (you can modify this function on cl_utils.lua)
enabled = false, -- Activate or not the ESX system
jobs = { -- Job for which the grab ped can be used
exceptionJobs = false -- Do not take people with the above jobs (
QB = { -- QB compatibility (you can modify this function on cl_utils.lua)
enabled = false, -- Activate or not the QB system
jobs = { -- Job for which the grab ped can be used
DropPlayer = true, -- Drop player via a key (GrabAndDropKey) when CommandEnabled = true
DisableSprint = true, -- Disable the sprint (recommended: leave it true)
CollisionRange = 0.5, -- Collision distance (0.0 to disable the dragged player's collision)
AttachPosition = vector3(0.20, 0.45, 0.0), -- Positioning of the player facing the police officer
Animations = {
policeAnimation = {
enabled = true, -- Activate or not the animation of the policeman when he takes a person by the arm.
animDict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@base',
anim = 'base'
citizenAnimation = {
enabled = false, -- Activate or not the animation of the citizen when he is taken by the arm.
animDict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@base',
anim = 'base'
Config.Keys = {
GrabAndDropKey = 57, -- If CommandEnabled is equal to false you must put a key to take the person.
GrabAndDropKeyString = '~INPUT_DROP_AMMO~', -- Name of the button.
TaskEnterKey = 206, -- Button to put the person inside the vehicle
TaskEnterKeyString = '~INPUT_FRONTEND_RB~' -- Name of the button to put the person inside the vehicle
-- Libraries of languages.
Config.Languages = {
[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"]['en'] = {
['taskenter'] = 'Put the person in the vehicle '..Config.Keys.TaskEnterKeyString,
['exitped'] = 'Taking the person out the vehicle '..Config.Keys.TaskEnterKeyString,
['releaseperson'] = 'Release the person press '..Config.Keys.GrabAndDropKeyString
['fr'] = {
['taskenter'] = 'Faire monter la personne '..Config.Keys.TaskEnterKeyString,
['exitped'] = 'Faire descendre la personne '..Config.Keys.TaskEnterKeyString,
['releaseperson'] = 'Lacher la personne '..Config.Keys.GrabAndDropKeyString
6 reseñas para Rytrak - Grab (autónomo, QBCore, ESX)
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