NaturalVision Evolved (NVe) is a complete overhaul of the visual aspects of GTA V, providing a more realistic and immersive experience. This tutorial covers how to install NVe for both singleplayer and FiveM.
Installatie voor één speler
Bestanden uitpakken:
- Download and Extract: Download the NaturalVision Evolved archive and extract its contents to your desktop.
OpenIV instellen:
- Open IV downloaden:
- Download OpenIV from the official website and set it up on your computer.
- Run OpenIV:
- Open OpenIV.exe, navigate to
Tools > ASI Manager
. - Install the ASI-laadplug-in en OpenIV.asi Plugin.
- When prompted, make sure to click YES to create a ‘mods' map.
- Open OpenIV.exe, navigate to
Installeer de Mod:
- Open OpenIV:
- Launch OpenIV and navigate to
Tools > Package Installer
- Launch OpenIV and navigate to
- Install Part One:
- Selecteer
1. NaturalVision Installer - DEEL EEN.oiv
and install it to the ‘mods’ folder.
- Selecteer
- Install Part Two and Three:
- Herhaal het proces voor
2. NaturalVision Installer - DEEL TWEE.oiv
en3. NaturalVision Installer - DEEL DRIE.oiv
- Herhaal het proces voor
Installeer optionele ReShade Shaders (aanbevolen):
- Copy Shaders:
- Copy the contents of the ReShade Shaders folder.
- Paste Shaders:
- Paste these contents into your main GTAV folder, based on your platform:
- Stoom:
C:\Programmabestanden (x86)\SteamSteamApps.comrand Theft Auto V
- Social Club:
C:\ProgrammabestandenGRockstar Games
- Epic Games:
C:\Programmabestanden (x86)\Pic Games\GTAV
- Stoom:
- Paste these contents into your main GTAV folder, based on your platform:
Instellingen aanpassen:
- In-Game Settings:
- Ensure that your in-game GTAV settings for PostFX, Deeltjes Kwaliteiten Shader-kwaliteit zijn ingesteld op Zeer hoog of Ultra.
- Navigate to the Graphics settings tab and set DirectX to DirectX 11.
- Enable ReShade:
- Press the INSERT key, go to the NVE tab, and enable shader modifications.
FiveM Installation
Bestanden voorbereiden:
- Open NVE Package:
- Navigate to the Main Package folder within the NVE – FiveM Package folder.
- Copy Folders:
- Kopieer de mods en plugins mappen.
Zoek de map FiveM:
- Open FiveM Data Folder:
- Druk op
, type%localappdata%\FiveM
en druk op Enter.
- Druk op
Installeer de Mod:
- Paste Folders:
- Plak de gekopieerde mods en plugins folders into your FiveM Application Data folder. Replace all files if necessary.
Optionele uitbreidingen:
- Install Add-Ons:
- To install optional add-ons, copy the .rpf files from the Optional Add-Ons folder.
- Paste them into the mods folder within the FiveM Application Data folder.
ReShade inschakelen:
- Modify CitizenFX.ini:
- Open the CitizenFX.ini file in your FiveM Application Data folder.
- Follow the instructions in the provided video to add your ID.
- Set Update Channel:
- Ensure the Update channel in FiveM instellingen ingesteld op Nieuwste (Instabiel).
Finally, launch FiveM and enjoy the enhanced visuals offered by NaturalVision Evolved.