Compatibiliteit met doelsysteem - ox_target, qb-target enz.
Compatibiliteit met menu's: esx_menu_default, esx_context, qb-menu, ox_lib.
Compatibiliteit met aangepast vragenmenu voor het accepteren van sportschoolpasaankopen zoals vms_notify.
Menu met personagestatistieken.
Vertaling van het script in vele talen dankzij het VMS Translator team: Engels, Tsjechisch, Duits, Frans, Spaans, Portugees, Pools
De mogelijkheid om meerdere sportscholen op de server te hebben.
De mogelijkheid om de sportschool in te stellen om te werken, inclusief de mogelijkheid om het vereiste pasje in te stellen dat kan worden verkocht door een werknemer met de hagel ingesteld in de werkconfiguratie.
Tijdelijke sportschoollidmaatschappen ingebouwd in het script met instelbare verlooptijden.
Veel activiteiten in de sportschool: bank, halter, pull-ups op een stang, push-ups, rennen op een loopband - Uithoudingsvermogen tijdens het trainen hangt af van de conditie van je personage - om de conditie van je personage te verbeteren moet je zwemmen, rennen of fietsen. - Om dit te oefenen moet je op een knop drukken, het wordt niet automatisch gedaan, ook kun je er bijvoorbeeld een skill-bar op aansluiten.
Gebrek aan beweging leidt na verloop van tijd tot een verminderde conditie en kracht.
Mogelijkheid om loopsnelheid en slagkracht aan te passen afhankelijk van de statistieken van het personage.
Mogelijkheid om marker, 3d tekst of zonder deze opties te gebruiken.
Het script heeft 3 beschikbare client-side exports - addSkill('skill_name', value) => Hiermee kun je je skilling verhogen met andere activiteiten in je andere scripts. - getSkill('skill_name') => De mogelijkheid om een waarde te krijgen van hoeveel een speler skil heeft en zo de mogelijkheid toe te voegen om actief te zijn in andere bronnen wanneer een speler bijvoorbeeld genoeg uithoudingsvermogen of kracht heeft. - removeSkill('skill_name', value) => Hiermee kun je de skilling verminderen met andere activiteiten in je andere scripts, bijvoorbeeld het eten van calorisch voedsel zoals hamburgers etc.
Volledige vertaling met config.lua & translation.js.
Config = {}
Config.Core = "ESX" -- "ESX" / "QB-Core"
Config.CoreExport = function()
return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
-- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
Config.Notification = function(title, message, time, icon, type)
if type == "success" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, time, "#27FF09", icon)
-- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "success", 5000)
elseif type == "info" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, time, "#428AF5", icon)
-- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "inform", 5000)
elseif type == "error" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, time, "#FF0909", icon)
-- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "error", 5000)
Config.TextUI = {
Enabled = false,
Open = function(msg)
exports["interact"]:Open("E", msg) -- Here you can use your TextUI or use my free one -
-- exports['okokTextUI']:Open('[E] '..msg, 'darkgreen', 'right')
-- exports['qb-core']:DrawText(msg, 'right')
Close = function(msg)
exports["interact"]:Close() -- Here you can use your TextUI or use my free one -
-- exports['okokTextUI']:Close()
-- exports['qb-core']:HideText()
--@AutoExecuteQuery: Will automatically add the 'statistics' column to your ESX: `users` / QB-Core: `players` table if it doesn't already exist.
Config.AutoExecuteQuery = true
-- @PlayerLoaded: ESX: "esx:playerLoaded" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded"
Config.PlayerLoaded = "esx:playerLoaded"
-- @PlayerLoaded: ESX: "esx:playerLoaded" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Server:OnPlayerLoaded"
Config.PlayerLoadedServer = "esx:playerLoaded"
-- @PlayerLogoutServer: ESX: "esx:playerDropped" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Server:OnPlayerUnload"
Config.PlayerLogoutServer = "esx:playerDropped"
-- @JobUpdated: ESX: "esx:setJob" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate"
Config.JobUpdated = 'esx:setJob'
-- @SavingTimeout: Every how long the player's statistics will be saved to the database - recommended 10 or 15 minutes
Config.SavingTimeout = 60 * 10 * 1000 -- 10 minutes
Config.Menu = 'esx_context' -- 'esx_menu_default' / 'esx_context' / 'qb-menu' / 'ox_lib'
Config.ESXMenuDefault_Align = 'right'
Config.SendNotificationWhenSkillIncrase = true
Config.SendNotificationWhenSkillDecrease = true
Config.DistanceView = 2.25
Config.DistanceAccess = 0.5
Config.UseMarkers = true
Config.Use3DText = false
Config.UseHelpNotify = true
-- @UseTarget: If you use a target, markers for gym activities will not be displayed - the marker will remain for the boss menu
Config.UseTarget = false
Config.TargetResource = 'ox_target'
Config.Target = function(data, func)
if Config.TargetResource == 'ox_target' then
coords = data.activityCoord,
size = vec(2.0, 2.0, 4.3),
debug = false,
useZ = true,
rotation = data.activityCoord.w,
options = {
distance = 2.0,
name = 'gym-',
icon = 'fa-solid fa-dumbbell',
label = Config.Translate[Config.Language]['action.'],
onSelect = func
elseif Config.TargetResource == 'qb-target' then
local id = math.random(1000000,1000000000000)
exports['qb-target']:AddBoxZone('gym-''-', data.activityCoord, 2.0, 2.0, {
name = 'gym-''-',
heading = data.activityCoord.w,
debugPoly = true,
minZ = data.activityCoord.z,
maxZ = data.activityCoord.z+3.5,
}, {
options = {
num = 1,
icon = 'fas fa-example',
label = Config.Translate[Config.Language]['action.'],
targeticon = 'fa-solid fa-dumbbell',
action = func,
drawDistance = 10.0,
drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255},
successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255},
distance = 0.7,
-- If you are using a target system other than ox_target and qb-target, add your target usability logging function here
-- @EnableMemberships: If you use in any gym the required membership, run it then it will work correctly reading memberships
Config.EnableMemberships = true
-- @EnableGiveMembership: Allows employees to give gym memberships.
Config.EnableGiveMembership = true
Config.GetClosestPlayersFunction = function()
local playerInArea = ESX.Game.GetPlayersInArea(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 10.0) -- For ESX
-- local playerInArea = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayersFromCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 10.0) -- For QB-CORE
return playerInArea
-- @EnableStrenghtModifier: In the config.client.lua file, you can modify the player's hitting power with certain power stats.
Config.EnableStrenghtModifier = true
-- @EnableRunSpeedModifier: In the config.client.lua file, you can modify the player's running speed with certain condition stats.
Config.EnableRunSpeedModifier = true
-- @EnableStaminaModifier: In the config.client.lua file, you can modify the player's stamina level with certain condition stats.
Config.EnableStaminaModifier = true
-- @EnableSkillDrivingEffects: With low driving skill your vehicle will run into slides more often or through lack of skill will randomly turn, the higher the level the less or no effect it has
Config.EnableSkillDrivingEffects = true
Config.SkillDrivingEffectMinimumSpeed = 30.0
-- @UnitOfSpeed: Customize your speed unit if you intend to use Config.EnableSkillDrivingEffects
Config.UnitOfSpeed = 'kmh' -- 'kmh' or 'mph'
-- @AutoMembershipForEmployees: Every gym employee will have a gym membership with no requirement to buy one
Config.AutoMembershipForEmployees = true
-- @UseCustomQuestionMenu: if you want to use for example vms_notify Question Menu, set it true, if you want to use Config.Menu to accept / reject of buying membership
Config.UseCustomQuestionMenu = false
Config.CustomQuestionMenu = function(sellerId, membershipName, days, hours, price)
local question = exports['vms_notify']:Question(
hours ~= 0 and Config.Translate[Config.Language]["question.description.buy_membership_hours"]:format(price, hours) or Config.Translate[Config.Language]["question.description.buy_membership"]:format(price, days),
'fa-solid fa-people-arrows'
if question == 'y' then -- vms_notify question export return 'y' when player accept and 'n' when player reject
TriggerServerEvent("vms_gym:sv:acceptMembership", sellerId, membershipName, days, price)
elseif question == 'n' then
TriggerServerEvent("vms_gym:sv:rejectMembership", sellerId)
-- @UseProgressbar: If you want to use a progress-bar for the exercises you are doing, you can do so below.
Config.UseProgressbar = false
Config.Progressbar = function(actionName, time)
name = actionName,
label = Config.Translate[Config.Language]["progressbar."..actionName],
duration = time,
canCancel = false,
controlDisables = {
disableMouse = false,
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableCombat = true,
-- @UseSkillbar: If you want to use a skill-bar for the exercises you are doing, you can do so below.
Config.UseSkillbar = false
Config.Skillbar = function(actionName, cb)
local finished = exports["tgiann-skillbar"]:taskBar(3000)
Config.BossMenu = function(jobName)
if Config.Core == "ESX" then
TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', jobName, function(data, menu) -- esx_society
end, {wash = false})
elseif Config.Core == "QB-Core" then
TriggerEvent('qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu') -- qb-management
Config.StatisticCommand = '+statistics'
Config.StatisticKey = 'G'
Config.StatisticDescription = 'Open statistics menu'
Config.StatisticsMenu = {
['strenght'] = true,
['condition'] = true,
['shooting'] = true,
['driving'] = true,
['flying'] = true,
Config.Blip = { --
["Sprite"] = 311,
["Scale"] = 0.85,
["Color"] = 46,
["Display"] = 4
Config.Keys = { --
enter = 38, -- E
train = 22, -- SPACE
stop = 73-- X
Config.Markers = {
['BossMenu'] = {
id = 29,
color = {95, 255, 95, 125},
size = vec(0.33, 0.33, 0.33),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true
['FreeSeat'] = {
id = 20,
color = {59, 227, 137, 125},
rotation = {180.0, 0.0, 0.0},
size = vec(0.15, 0.15, 0.15),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true
Config.Animations = {
['pull-up'] = {
enter = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@enter', 'enter', 1800},
idle = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
training = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@base', 'base', 2900},
exit = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@exit', 'exit', 2000},
['bench'] = {
enter = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@enter', 'enter', 0},
idle = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@base', 'base', -1},
training = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@idle_a', 'idle_a', 2350},
exit = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@exit', 'exit', 2500},
['barbell'] = {
idle = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
training = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@base', 'base', 4500},
['push-up'] = {
enter = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@enter', 'enter', 3500},
idle = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
training = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@base', 'base', 1100},
exit = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@exit', 'exit', 4050},
['dumbbells'] = {
idle = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
training = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@base', 'base', 4500},
['treadmill'] = {
idle = {'move_m@hurry@c', 'walk', -1},
training = {'move_m@brave@a', 'run', 4000},
-- @RefreshTimeAddStats: Time every how much the statistic will add up for different activities e.g. swimming, running etc.
Config.RefreshTimeAddStats = 10000 -- 10 seconds
Config.AddStatsValues = {
-- Condition:
['Running'] = 3,
['Swimming'] = {5, 8},
['Cycling'] = {minimumSpeed = 15, value = {6, 8}},
-- Shooting:
['Shooting'] = {1, 2},
-- Driving:
['Driving'] = {minimumSpeed = 140, value = {2, 7}},
-- Flying:
['Flying'] = {minimumSpeed = 180, value = {5, 10}},
-- @RefreshTimeRemoveStats:
Config.RefreshTimeRemoveStats = 120000 -- 120 seconds
Config.RemoveStatsValues = {
-- Condition:
['RemoveCondition'] = 1,
-- Strength:
['RemoveStrength'] = 1,
Config.Gyms = {
[1] = {
business = true,
ownerJob = 'police',
jobMenuPos = vector3(-1195.35, -1577.57, 4.5),
menuGrades = nil, -- nil: any player with this job | string: 'boss' | table: {'boss', 'manager'}
bossMenuGrades = 'boss', -- string: 'boss' or table: {'boss', 'manager'}
blipCoords = vector3(-1203.47, -1564.67, 4.02), -- don't remove it, set it in the center of the gym
blipName = 'Gym Plaza',
blipEnabled = true,
requiredMembership = 'plaza_gym', -- false or name of membership like: 'plaza_gym'
memberships = {
{hours = 2, price = 100},
{hours = 12, price = 500},
{days = 1, price = 1000},
{days = 7, price = 5500},
{days = 14, price = 10000},
{days = 24, price = 20000},
{days = 31, price = 25000},
points = {
name = 'bench',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1200.64, -1562.11, 3.10, 125.29),
position = vec(-1201.55, -1562.81, 4.5),
removeStamina = 8,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
name = 'bench',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1207.11, -1560.81, 3.10, 212.49),
position = vec(-1206.53, -1561.62, 4.5),
removeStamina = 8,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
name = 'bench',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1201.3, -1575.02, 3.10, 216.27),
position = vec(-1200.68, -1575.89, 4.5),
removeStamina = 8,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
name = 'bench',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1197.96, -1568.22, 3.10, 305.69),
position = vec(-1197.13, -1567.6, 4.5),
removeStamina = 8,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
name = 'pull-up',
activityCoord = vector4(-1204.74, -1564.35, 3.585, 35.88),
position = vec(-1204.74, -1564.35, 4.5),
removeStamina = 6,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 3} it will be 0.1, 0.3
name = 'pull-up',
activityCoord = vector4(-1200.02, -1571.14, 3.585, 213.62),
position = vec(-1200.19, -1570.93, 4.5),
removeStamina = 6,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 3} it will be 0.1, 0.3
name = 'barbell',
prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1199.03, -1574.59, 3.61, 215.48),
position = vec(-1198.97, -1574.5, 4.5),
removeStamina = 7,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
name = 'barbell',
prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1197.01, -1572.9, 3.61, 214.71),
position = vec(-1197.01, -1572.9, 4.5),
removeStamina = 7,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
name = 'barbell',
prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1202.67, -1565.53, 3.61, 32.46),
position = vec(-1202.67, -1565.53, 4.5),
removeStamina = 7,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
name = 'barbell',
prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1210.31, -1561.34, 3.61, 77.1),
position = vec(-1210.31, -1561.34, 4.5),
removeStamina = 7,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
name = 'push-up',
activityCoord = vector4(-1204.48, -1561.15, 3.61, 29.36),
position = vec(-1204.48, -1561.15, 4.5),
removeStamina = 3,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = 1}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'dumbbells',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1202.6, -1572.78, 3.61, 127.31),
position = vec(-1202.6, -1572.78, 4.5),
removeStamina = 4,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
name = 'dumbbells',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1209.33, -1559.18, 3.61, 48.95),
position = vec(-1209.33, -1559.18, 4.5),
removeStamina = 4,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
name = 'dumbbells',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1198.32, -1565.38, 3.62, 240.3),
position = vector3(-1198.32, -1565.41, 4.5),
removeStamina = 4,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
[2] = {
business = nil,
ownerJob = nil,
jobMenuPos = vector3(-1254.26, -354.04, 36.96),
menuGrades = nil, -- nil: any player with this job | string: 'boss' | table: {'boss', 'manager'}
bossMenuGrades = 'boss', -- string: 'boss' or table: {'boss', 'manager'}
blipCoords = vector(-1255.8, -354.21, 35.96),
blipName = 'Pump & Run GYM',
blipEnabled = true,
requiredMembership = 'pump_and_run', -- false or name of membership like: 'pump_and_run'
memberships = {
{days = 1, price = 1000},
{days = 7, price = 5500},
{days = 14, price = 10000},
{days = 24, price = 20000},
{days = 31, price = 25000},
points = {
name = 'treadmill',
activityCoord = vector4(-1257.63, -366.56, 36.12, 207.75),
position = vector3(-1258.33, -365.23, 36.96),
removeStamina = 1,
addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'treadmill',
activityCoord = vector4(-1259.15, -367.3, 36.11, 207.75),
position = vector3(-1259.76, -366.11, 36.96),
removeStamina = 1,
addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'treadmill',
activityCoord = vector4(-1260.75, -368.02, 36.11, 207.75),
position = vector3(-1261.32, -366.99, 36.96),
removeStamina = 1,
addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'treadmill',
activityCoord = vector4(-1262.14, -368.9, 36.11, 207.75),
position = vector3(-1262.67, -367.88, 36.96),
removeStamina = 1,
addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'treadmill',
activityCoord = vector4(-1263.46, -369.66, 36.11, 207.75),
position = vector3(-1264.11, -368.58, 36.96),
removeStamina = 1,
addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'treadmill',
activityCoord = vector4(-1264.84, -370.34, 36.11, 210.35),
position = vector3(-1265.42, -369.34, 36.96),
removeStamina = 1,
addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'push-up',
activityCoord = vector4(-1263.23, -363.06, 35.99, 281.81),
position = vector3(-1263.24, -363.07, 36.99),
removeStamina = 3,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = 1}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'push-up',
activityCoord = vector4(-1262.22, -359.14, 35.99, 225.7),
position = vector3(-1262.35, -359.08, 36.99),
removeStamina = 3,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = 1}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
name = 'dumbbells',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1261.55, -353.61, 35.96, 293.97),
position = vector3(-1261.55, -353.61, 36.96),
removeStamina = 4,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
name = 'dumbbells',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1268.76, -357.8, 35.96, 298.89),
position = vector3(-1268.7, -357.75, 36.96),
removeStamina = 4,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
name = 'dumbbells',
prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
activityCoord = vector4(-1266.69, -356.9, 35.96, 118.72),
position = vector3(-1266.69, -356.9, 36.96),
removeStamina = 4,
addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
Waarom mensen van onze producten houden
Hoogwaardige, ethisch verantwoorde producten tegen betaalbare prijzen
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