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Como automatizar backups do servidor FiveM

Cópia de segurança fivem

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up automated backups for your FiveM server using a PowerShell script and Windows Task Scheduler. Automating your backups ensures your server data is safe and can be restored if needed.

Step 1: Download the Backup Script

  1. Download the backup script from the Repositório do GitHub.
  2. Salvar o ServerBackupScript.ps1 file in a location accessible to your server.

Faça o download do script aqui

Step 2: Set Up Backup Folders

  1. Create Backup Directory:
    • Navigate to your server’s root directory (where the FX Server starter is located).
    • Crie uma nova pasta chamada backup.
  2. Edit the PowerShell Script:
    • Abra o ServerBackupScript.ps1 in a text editor (e.g., Notepad).
    • Atualizar o $sourcePath to the folder you want to back up. For example: $sourcePath = "C:\MyServer\resources"
    • Atualizar o $destinationPath to the folder where backups should be stored. For example: $destinationPath = "C:\Backups\ServerBackup_$backupDate"
    • O $backupDate variable appends the current date and time to the backup folder name for better organization.

Step 3: Set Up a Scheduled Task

  1. Open Task Scheduler:
    • Imprensa Win + S and search for Task Scheduler, then open it.
  2. Create a New Task:
    • Clique com o botão direito Task Scheduler Library e selecione Create Basic Task.
    • Name the task (e.g., “FiveM Server Backup”) and click Próximo.
  3. Set the Trigger:
    • Choose how often you want the backup to run (e.g., Daily, Weekly).
    • Set the start date, time, and frequency as needed, then click Próximo.
  4. Set the Action:
    • Selecione Start a Program e clique em Próximo.
    • No Program/script field, type: powershell.exe
    • No Add arguments (optional) field, type:-File "C:\Backups\ServerBackupScript.ps1" Adjust the file path if the script is stored elsewhere.
    • No Start in (optional) field, type the folder path where the script resides, such as: C:\Backups
  5. Finish the Task:
    • Clique em Finish to save the task.

Step 4: Test the Task

  1. Right-click the newly created task in Task Scheduler and select Correr.
  2. Check the output folder (e.g., C:\Backups) to confirm the backup was created successfully. The backup file or folder should have the current date appended to its name (e.g., ServerBackup_2024-11-15).

Step 5: Verify Backup Consistency

  • Regularly check your backups to ensure all critical files are included.
  • Test restoring a backup on a development server to confirm functionality.


  • Monitor Backup Size: Keep an eye on disk space in your destination folder.
  • Retention Policy: Consider a script to delete older backups automatically if storage space is a concern.
  • Logs: Add logging to the PowerShell script for easier debugging.

You have now successfully automated backups for your FiveM server!


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