Config = {} Config.MenuPosition = 'top-right' -- Menu position when open (Options: 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right') Config.OpenKey = 'F9' -- Default key for opening admin menu Config.UsingVehicleKeys = 'qb' -- Supported options: 'wasabi' for wasabi_carlock / 'qb' for qb-vehiclekeys / 'jaksam' for jacksam_carlock / 'custom' for custom in modifyme.lua -- Set to false if not needed Config.SkinMenu = 'qb' -- 'esx_skin' = ESX Skin / 'qb' = qb-clothing / 'fivem-appearance' = FiveM appearance / 'custom' = custom in modifyme.lua Config.FuelSystem = 'legacyfuel' -- Supported options: 'ox' - ox_fuel/ 'legacyfuel' - LegacyFuel / false - anything else Config.Inventory = 'qb' -- Current options: 'ox' (For ox_inventory) / 'qb' (For qb-inventory) 'mf' (For mf inventory) / 'qs' (For qs_inventory) / 'cheeza' (for chezza inventory) -- false for none (Can be edited in modifyme.lua) Config.SpeedMeasurement = 'mph' -- Options: 'mph' or 'kmh' Config.AdminPerms = { -- Different ways of defining who has permission to access and utilize the admin menu UserGroups = { enabled = true, -- Enable usergroups from framework (Esx/QBCore), example/common groups below by default. Groups = { 'admin', 'god', -- 'mod', } }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If ace perms are desired, an example of ace perms to set in server.cfg:-- -- add_ace group.admin 'wasabi.adminmenu.allow' allow -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AcePerms = { enabled = true, AcePerm = 'wasabi.adminmenu.allow' } } --- Commands Config.Commands = { Ban = { enabled = true, -- Enable ban command? command = 'ban' -- Command (Default: 'ban') -- Example: /ban ID_HERE OPTIONAL_REASON_HERE -- Indefinite ban. Use menu for temporary ban }, Kick = { enabled = true, -- Enable kick command? command = 'kick' -- Command (Default: 'kick') -- Example: /kick ID_HERE OPTIONAL_REASON_HERE }, NoClip = { enabled = true, -- Enable noclip command? command = 'noclip' -- Command (Default: 'noclip') -- Example: /noclip }, SearchInv = { enabled = true, -- Enable searchinv command? command = 'searchinv' -- Command (Default: 'searchinv') -- MUST HAVE Config.Inventory CONFIGURED TO PROPER INVENTORY! -- Example: /searchinv ID_HERE (Opens target inventory) }, ClearInv = { enabled = true, -- Enable clearinv command? command = 'clearinv' -- Command (Default: 'clearinv') -- MUST HAVE Config.Inventory CONFIGURED TO PROPER INVENTORY! -- Example: /clearinv ID_HERE (Clears target inventory) }, SkinMenu = { enabled = true, -- Enable skinmenu command? command = 'skinmenu' -- Command (Default: 'skinmenu') -- MUST HAVE Config.SkinMenu CONFIGURED TO PROPER SKIN / CLOTHING SCRIPT -- Example: /skinmenu ID_HERE (Opens skin menu on target's screen) } } --- WEATHER SETTING OPTIONS Config.Weathers = { {label = 'Clear Skies', value = 'CLEAR'}, {label = 'Extra Sunny', value = 'EXTRASUNNY'}, {label = 'Cloudy', value = 'CLOUDS'}, {label = 'Foggy', value = 'FOGGY'}, {label = 'Thunder', value = 'THUNDER'}, {label = 'Rainy', value = 'RAIN'}, {label = 'Halloween', value = 'HALLOWEEN'}, {label = 'Snow Light', value = 'SNOWLIGHT'}, {label = 'XMAS', value = 'XMAS'} } --- BAN SETTING OPTIONS Config.Ban = { --- value = ban time in hours {label = '2 Hours', value = 2}, {label = '24 Hours', value = 24}, {label = '1 Week', value = 168}, {label = 'Permanent', value = 'perm'} } --- JOB ANNOUNCEMENT OPTIONS Config.Jobs = { -- label value is for how it is displayed in the menu. name must be exact as in your jobs database/table { label = 'Police', name = 'police' }, { label = 'EMS', name = 'ambulance' }, { label = 'Mechanic', name = 'mechanic' }, { label = 'Car Dealer', name = 'cardealer' } } --- NO CLIP OPTIONS Config.Noclip = { FirstPersonWhileNoclip = true, DefaultSpeed = 1.0, MaxSpeed = 12.0, Controls = { DecreaseSpeed = 14, -- Mouse wheel down IncreaseSpeed = 15, -- Mouse wheel up MoveFoward = 32, -- W MoveBackward = 33, -- S MoveLeft = 34, -- A MoveRight = 35, -- D MoveUp = 44, -- Q MoveDown = 46, -- E }, Particle = { Fxname = 'core', Effectname = 'ent_dst_elec_fire_sp' } } ---- VEHICLE RELATED OPTIONS Config.VehicleColors = { --- { label = 'Red', value = 27 }, { label = 'Black', value = 0 }, { label = 'Sunset Red', value = 33 }, { label = 'Hot Pink', value = 135 }, { label = 'Salmon Pink', value = 136 }, { label = 'Dark Green', value = 49 }, { label = 'Surf Blue', value = 68 }, { label = 'Woodbeech Brown', value = 102 }, { label = 'Cast Iron Silver', value = 10 }, { label = 'Ice White', value = 111 }, { label = 'Cream', value = 107 }, { label = 'Frost White', value = 112 } } Config.TorqueMultiplier = { --- { label = 'Off', value = 1.0 }, { label = '25%', value = 4.0 }, { label = '50%', value = 8.0 }, { label = '75%', value = 10.0 }, { label = '100%', value = 100.0 } }