HiFiveM.com 条款
这些条款和条件概述了使用我们网站 HiFiveM.com 的规则和条例。
HiFiveM.com 我们为自创程序/数字产品(称为 "脚本 "或 "地图")提供分发和广告平台。这些下载是游戏服务器的扩展。
访问本网站即表示您接受这些条款和条件。如果您不同意接受本页面上的所有条款和条件,请不要继续使用 HiFiveM.com。
以下术语适用于这些条款和条件、隐私声明和免责声明以及所有协议:"客户"、"您 "和 "您的 "指您,即登录本网站并遵守公司条款和条件的个人。"本公司"、"我们"、"我们的 "和 "我们",指本公司。方"、"双方 "或 "我们",指客户和本公司。所有术语均指根据荷兰现行法律,为满足客户在提供本公司所述服务方面的需求,以最合适的方式向客户提供协助的过程中所需的要约、接受和付款对价。上述术语或其他词语的单数、复数、大写和/或他/她或他们的任何用法均可互换,因此指的是同一个人。
对于供应商:可接受使用政策 (AUP) 是有效的,您提供的产品必须符合这些政策。可接受使用政策 (AUP) 是 规定用户在访问公司网络或互联网时必须同意的限制和惯例的文件. Many businesses and educational facilities require that employees or students sign an acceptable use policy before being granted a network ID. Read more here
欧盟委员会提供了一个在线争议解决平台 (OS),可通过 https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr 访问。我们没有义务也不愿意参与消费者仲裁委员会的争议解决程序。
在我们网站上注册的供应商可以为 FiveM 上传软件(脚本、地图、mod)。在上传的同时,他们必须以良好的方式尊重版权和知识产权。我们保留从网站上删除任何产品的权利。
我们提供多种付款方式:信用卡/借记卡、iDeal、Giropay 和加密货币支付。如果您通过聊天下单,我们还提供 PayPal 或其他付款方式。如需添加资金,我们提供 Paysafecard。
我们使用 Cookie。访问我们的网站即表示您同意在遵守 FiveM Mods 隐私政策的前提下使用 cookies。
大多数互动网站都使用 Cookie 来检索用户每次访问的详细信息。我们的网站使用 Cookie 来实现某些区域的功能,以方便用户访问我们的网站。我们的一些联盟/广告合作伙伴也可能使用 Cookie。
除非另有说明、 FiveM Mods 和/或其许可人拥有 FiveM Mods 上所有材料的知识产权。保留所有知识产权。您可以出于个人使用目的访问 FiveM Mods 上的内容,但须遵守这些条款和条件中规定的限制。
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本网站的部分内容为用户在网站的某些区域发表和交流意见和信息提供了机会。FiveM Mods 不会在评论出现在本网站之前对其进行过滤、编辑、发布或审查。评论并不反映 FiveM Mods、其代理和/或附属机构的观点和意见。评论仅反映发表评论者的观点和意见。在适用法律允许的范围内,FiveM Mods 不对评论或因使用和/或张贴和/或在本网站上出现评论而导致和/或遭受的任何责任、损害或费用负责。
FiveM Mods 保留对所有评论进行监控的权利,并有权删除任何被认为不恰当、具有攻击性或违反本条款和条件的评论。
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- 评论不得用于招揽或推销业务或习俗,或介绍商业活动或非法活动。
您特此授予 FiveM Mods 非排他性许可,以任何及所有形式、格式或媒体使用、复制、编辑并授权他人使用、复制和编辑您的任何评论。
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- 在线目录分销商可以链接到我们的网站,链接方式与链接到其他上市企业网站的方式相同;以及
- 全系统范围内的经认可的企业,但募集非营利组织、慈善商场和慈善筹款团体除外,它们不得超链接到我们的网站。
这些组织可以链接到我们的主页、出版物或其他网站信息,只要该链接(a) 不得以任何方式进行欺骗;(b) 不得虚假暗示对链接方及其产品和/或服务的赞助、认可或批准;(c) 符合链接方网站的上下文。
- 常见的消费者和/或企业信息来源;
- dot.com 社区网站;
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- 在线目录分销商;
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- 会计、法律和咨询公司;以及
- 教育机构和行业协会。
如果我们认定以下情况,我们将批准这些组织的链接请求:(a) 链接不会对我们自己或我们认可的企业造成不利影响;(b) 该组织在我们这里没有任何负面记录;(c) 超链接的可见性给我们带来的好处弥补了 FiveM Mods 的缺失;(d) 链接属于一般资源信息。
这些组织可以链接到我们的主页,只要该链接(a) 不得以任何方式进行欺骗;(b) 不得虚假暗示对链接方及其产品或服务的赞助、认可或批准;(c) 符合链接方网站的上下文。
如果您是上述第 2 款中列出的组织之一,并且有兴趣链接到我们的网站,您必须通过向 FiveM Mods 发送电子邮件的方式通知我们。请附上您的姓名、组织名称、联系信息以及您网站的 URL、您打算链接到我们网站的任何 URL 的列表,以及您希望链接到的我们网站上的 URL 的列表。等待 2-3 周后回复。
- 使用我们的公司名称;或
- 使用所链接的统一资源定位器;或
- 在链接方网站内容的上下文和格式范围内,对链接到的我们网站进行任何其他合理的描述。
在未签订商标许可协议的情况下,不得使用 FiveM Mods 的徽标或其他图样进行链接。
- 限制或排除我们或贵方对死亡或人身伤害的责任;
- 限制或排除我们或贵方对欺诈或欺诈性虚假陈述的责任;
- 以适用法律不允许的任何方式限制我们或您的任何责任;或
- 排除适用法律规定不得排除的我方或贵方的任何责任。
本节和本免责声明其他部分规定的责任限制和禁止:(a) 受前段规定的约束;(b) 管辖免责声明下产生的所有责任,包括合同责任、侵权责任和违反法定义务的责任。
我们致力于提供卓越的体验,为了强化这一承诺,我们提供以下服务 对通过我们网站购买的所有商品提供自愿退款保证。
Should you ever find yourself dissatisfied with a product or modification you have acquired from us, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated 支持 team. We are here to assist you in resolving any concerns and facilitating a refund process if it becomes necessary.
Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to make your experience with fivem-mods.net a seamless and enjoyable one.
请注意: 无故改变主意或无法对退款查询做出合理解释的客户不符合退款条件。
- 调制解调器未按预期运行(您需要向我们提供更多详细信息)。
- 我们的技术人员无法解决该问题,因此批准了您的退款申请。
- 问题是由我们的多器官功能障碍引起的,而不是其他插件冲突或服务器上的服务(如其他多器官功能障碍或硬件)问题。
100% 保证满意!
- 从最初购买日期和时间算起,您有 24 小时的时间审查、测试和使用您从我们商店购买的资源。
- 要申请退款,您需要通过以下方式向我们提供明确的理由和您的订单号 支持页面
- 如果您在安装我们的脚本时遇到任何问题,请务必联系我们的支持团队,然后再申请退款。
有问题吗? 通过 terms@HiFiveM.com 联系我们
Affiliate Terms of Use
As an authorized affiliate (Affiliate) of HiFiveM Mods, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement (Agreement). Please read the entire Agreement carefully before registering and promoting HiFiveM Mods as an Affiliate.
Your participation in the Program is solely to legally advertise our website to receive a commission on memberships and products purchased by individuals referred to HiFiveM Mods by your own website or personal referrals.
By signing up for the HiFiveM Mods Affiliate Program (Program), you indicate your acceptance of this Agreement and its terms and conditions.
Approval or Rejection of the Application
We reserve the right to approve or reject ANY Affiliate Program Application at our sole and absolute discretion. You will have no legal recourse against us for the rejection of your Affiliate Program Application.
Commissions will be paid once a month. For an Affiliate to receive a commission, the referred account must remain active for a minimum of 31 days.
You cannot refer yourself, and you will not receive a commission on your own accounts.
Payments will only be sent for transactions that have been successfully completed. Transactions that result in chargebacks or refunds will not be paid out.
Your affiliate application and status in the Program may be suspended or terminated for any of the following reasons:
- Inappropriate advertisements (false claims, misleading hyperlinks, etc.).
- Spamming (mass email, mass newsgroup posting, etc.).
- Advertising on sites containing or promoting illegal activities.
- Failure to disclose the affiliate relationship for any promotion that qualifies as an endorsement under existing Federal Trade Commission guidelines and regulations, or any applicable state laws.
- Violation of intellectual property rights. HiFiveM Mods reserves the right to require license agreements from those who employ trademarks of HiFiveM Mods in order to protect our intellectual property rights.
- Offering rebates, coupons, or other form of promised kick-backs from your affiliate commission as an incentive. Adding bonuses or bundling other products with HiFiveM Mods, however, is acceptable.
- Self referrals, fraudulent transactions, suspected Affiliate fraud.
In addition to the foregoing, HiFiveM Mods reserves the right to terminate any Affiliate account at any time, for any violations of this Agreement or no reason.
Affiliate Links
You may use graphic and text links both on your website and within in your email messages. You may also advertise the HiFiveM Mods site in online and offline classified ads, magazines, and newspapers.
You may use the graphics and text provided by us, or you may create your own as long as they are deemed appropriate according to the conditions and not in violation as outlined in the Termination section.
Coupon and Deal Sites
HiFiveM Mods occasionally offers coupon to select affiliates and to our newsletter subscribers. If you’re not pre-approved / assigned a branded coupon, then you’re not allowed to promote the coupon. Below are the terms that apply for any affiliate who is considering the promotion of our products in relation to a deal or coupon:
- Affiliates may not use misleading text on affiliate links, buttons or images to imply that anything besides currently authorized deals to the specific affiliate.
- Affiliates may not bid on HiFiveM Mods Coupons, HiFiveM Mods Discounts or other phrases implying coupons are available.
- Affiliates may not generate pop-ups, pop-unders, iframes, frames, or any other seen or unseen actions that set affiliate cookies unless the user has expressed a clear and explicit interest in activating a specific savings by clicking on a clearly marked link, button or image for that particular coupon or deal. Your link must send the visitor to the merchant site.
- User must be able to see coupon/deal/savings information and details before an affiliate cookie is set (i.e. “click here to see coupons and open a window to merchant site” is NOT allowed).
- Affiliate sites may not have “Click for (or to see) Deal/Coupon” or any variation, when there are no coupons or deals available, and the click opens the merchant site or sets a cookie. Affiliates with such text on the merchant landing page will be removed from the program immediately.
Pay Per Click (PPC) Policy
PPC bidding is NOT allowed without prior written permission.
HiFiveM Mods will not be liable for indirect or accidental damages (loss of revenue, commissions) due to affiliate tracking failures, loss of database files, or any results of intents of harm to the Program and/or to our website(s).
We do not make any expressed or implied warranties with respect to the Program and/or the memberships or products sold by HiFiveM Mods. We make no claim that the operation of the Program and/or our website(s) will be error-free and we will not be liable for any interruptions or errors.
Term of the Agreement
The term of this Agreement begins upon your acceptance in the Program and will end when your Affiliate account is terminated.
The terms and conditions of this agreement may be modified by us at any time. If any modification to the terms and conditions of this Agreement are unacceptable to you, your only choice is to terminate your Affiliate account. Your continuing participation in the Program will constitute your acceptance of any change.
Affiliate shall indemnify and hold harmless HiFiveM Mods and its affiliate and subsidiary companies, officers, directors, employees, licensees, successors and assigns, including those licensed or authorized by HiFiveM Mods to transmit and distribute materials, from any and all liabilities, damages, fines, judgments, claims, costs, losses, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and costs) arising out of or related to any and all claims sustained in connection with this Agreement due to the negligence, misrepresentation, failure to disclose, or intentional misconduct of Affiliate.
Electronic Signatures Effective
The Agreement is an electronic contract that sets out the legally binding terms of your participation in the HiFiveM Mods affiliate program. You indicate your acceptance of this Agreement and all of the terms and conditions contained or referenced in this Agreement by completing the HiFiveM Mods application process. This action creates an electronic signature that has the same legal force and effect as a handwritten signature.