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How To Translate FiveM Scripts

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Hello players! We understand that many of you are non-native English speakers and your servers may be German, French, or Spanish. Today, we will demonstrate how to translate FiveM scripts. This is a way for the community to assist in translating the FiveM scripts, which can greatly enhance the fun of playing on your FiveM server in different languages.

FiveM 脚本翻译器

Tired of translating your scripts manually? We have the solution. Use our Script Translator.

First Step: Download Notepad++ (Editor)

在本教程中,我们将使用 Notepad++,这是一个可以用彩色显示代码以方便翻译的程序。Notepad++ 与记事本/编辑器类似,但要高级得多,适合编码用途。如果你想编辑代码(或在此:翻译),这个程序非常有用。
We will focus solely on translating strings. Important: Do not translate code variables

您可以通过此链接下载该程序: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/

这就是 Notepad++ 的外观。

2. Open the Script you want to translate

下载 Notepad++ 后,继续从其服务器下载开发人员提供的 lua 脚本。右键单击链接并选择 "链接另存为 "进行下载。然后,打开您喜欢的文本编辑器,将 lua 脚本文件拖放到编辑器中。最后,开始翻译过程。

然后,用 notepad++ 打开脚本,方法是 右击:



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打开需要翻译的脚本的 server.lua 和 client.lua 文件,查看所有文本。进行全面测试,找出任何遗漏。


为确保正确管理 Lua 文件,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. 选择 Notepad++ 左上角的保存图标,保存 Lua 文件。
  2. 如果您遇到需要翻译的脚本,请通过 GitHub 的 "拉取请求 "功能将您的翻译版本转发给开发者。
  3. 开发人员将评估您的翻译,并在认为有利的情况下将其整合到主分支中。随后,他们将进行测试以确保其功能。
  4. 测试成功后,翻译好的脚本将发布在开发人员的网站上。但请注意,翻译合并通知并不保证翻译最终被接受,因为在发布之前可能会出现不可预见的问题,需要开发人员进行手动调整。
  5. 如果出现任何问题,请不要灰心。只需提交另一个拉取请求,其中包含对测试或发布过程中发现的问题的修复。
  6. 如果您已经认真遵循了这些程序,但仍未收到开发人员的回复,请耐心等待几天后再试一次。
  7. 开发人员忽略合并翻译的情况并不少见。在这种情况下,可以在适当的时间后发送温馨提示。
  8. 在大约一周没有回复后,考虑通过 Discord 联系开发人员,询问您的拉取请求的状态,并提供链接供他们参考。这种积极主动的方法可以促进沟通并加快解决过程。


Translating FiveM 脚本 can be quite a challenging task, as it often involves not only understanding the code itself but also grasping the context and nuances of the language being used.

If you find yourself struggling with a particular section or concept, don’t hesitate to reach out to your FiveM teammates for assistance. Collaboration can make the process much more manageable and enjoyable. Working together allows you to share different perspectives and knowledge, which can lead to better translations and a deeper understanding of the scripts.

By leveraging your team’s collective skills, you can tackle the complexities of translation more effectively and perhaps even learn new techniques along the way. So remember, you don’t have to go through this process alone—teamwork can significantly enhance your productivity and the quality of your work!




In addition to its game-enhancing features, the AI tool available at fivem-mods.net/ai offers a game-changing capability: the ability to seamlessly translate LUA scripts. This means that developers and server owners can effortlessly adapt and modify existing scripts to ensure compatibility and functionality with the latest updates and FiveM versions. With the power of AI-driven script translation, the process becomes efficient and error-free, saving valuable time and resources.

希望本指南足以帮助您开始翻译之旅 FiveM LUA 脚本.




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