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With this weapon animation script, you can change clothing components such as holsters based on whether the weapon is holstered or not. Additionally, you can set custom aim and holster animations for different types of weapons and clothing. Configure commands and weapon options in the config file to tailor the script to your needs. Once started, player options will be saved client-side.


  • 动态 服装 Components: Automatically change holsters and other clothing components based on weapon status.
  • Custom Animations: Set unique aim and holster animations for different weapons and clothing items.
  • Configurable Commands: Customize commands and weapon options in the config file.
  • Client-Side Settings: Player preferences are saved client-side for a personalized experience.



How to configure

Click here to find out


Aim Animations

To customize the aim 动画 via a command, open ND_GunAnims/data/aim.lua. To implement a command that lets players choose their aim animation, set command = "aim". Players can then select their aim animation by using /aim. To disable this command, set command = false. To establish a default aim animation for all players, set default = "gang", which will apply the one-hand aiming gun animation to everyone.

Clothing Holsters

ND_GunAnims/data/holster.lua is the config that changes the holster clothing model, you can set it to any clothing and any wepaon you’d like. They keys 雄性 和 女性 are the clothing components for the selected variation, the first number is for when the weapon is holstered and the second is when the weapon is unholstered, for the variation you can find a list of variation numbers below:

    1. Head

    1. Beard

    1. Hair

    1. Torso

    1. Legs

    1. Hands

    1. Foot

    1. Scarfs/Neck Accessories

    1. Accessories 1

    1. Accessories 2

    1. Decals

    1. Auxiliary parts for torso



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