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Tutorial: How To Convert ESX to QBCore (& vice versa)

Hello FiveM players! Welcome to this tutorial on how to convert ESX Scripts to QBCore (and Vice Versa). If you’re familiar with FiveM, you probably know that ESX is one of the most popular frameworks used for creating scripts and mods. However, recently, a new framework called QBCore has gained popularity, offering a range of exciting features and improvements.

Converting your ESX scripts to QBCore can bring numerous advantages, such as improved performance, enhanced functionality, and access to a growing community of QBCore developers.

Complete Function List

This is a list for the conversion of scripts (functions for client and server).
Updated: October 2023

Client side

esx:onPlayerDeath -> hospital:server:SetDeathStatus

esx:playerLoaded -> QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded

esx:showAdvancedNotification -> QBCore:Notify

esx:showHelpNotification -> QBCore:Notify

esx:showNotification -> QBCore:Notify

ESX.GetPlayerData -> QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData

ESX.IsPlayerLoaded -> None

ESX.SetPlayerData -> QBCore:Player:SetPlayerData

ESX.TriggerServerCallback -> QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback

ESX.Game.DeleteObject -> None (Can use FiveM native DeleteEntity)

ESX.Game.DeleteVehicle -> QBCore.Functions.DeleteVehicle

ESX.Game.GetClosestObject -> None (Can use FiveM native GetClosestObjectOfType)

ESX.Game.GetClosestPed -> QBCore.Functions.GetClosestPed

ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer -> QBCore.Functions.GetClosestPlayer

ESX.Game.GetClosestVehicle -> QBCore.Functions.GetClosestVehicle

ESX.Game.GetObjects -> None (uses enumeration)

ESX.Game.GetPedMugshot -> None (Can use FiveM native RegisterPedheadshot)

ESX.Game.GetPeds -> None (uses enumeration)

ESX.Game.GetPlayers -> QBCore.Functions.GetPlayers

ESX.Game.GetPlayersInArea -> None (uses enumeration)

ESX.Game.GetVehicleInDirection -> None (uses ray casting)

ESX.Game.GetVehicles -> QBCore.Functions.GetVehicles

ESX.Game.GetVehiclesInArea -> None (uses enumeration)

ESX.Game.IsSpawnPointClear -> None (uses getvehiclesinarea)

ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties -> QBCore.Functions.SetVehicleProperties

ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties -> QBCore.Functions.GetVehicleProperties

ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject -> None (dont bother)

ESX.Game.SpawnLocalVehicle -> None (dont bother)

ESX.Game.SpawnObject -> None (Can use FiveM Native CreateObject)

ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle -> QBCore.Functions.SpawnVehicle

ESX.Game.Teleport -> (Can use FiveM Native SetEntityCoords and SetEntityHeading)

ESX.Game.Utils.DrawText3D -> QBCore.Functions.DrawText3D

Server side

ESX.CreatePickup -> None (irrelevant and done through qb-inventory)

ESX.GetItemLabel -> None (Just returns item label)

ESX.GetPlayerFromId -> QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer

ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier -> QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId

ESX.GetPlayers -> QBCore.Functions.GetPlayers

ESX.RegisterServerCallback -> QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback

ESX.RegisterUsableItem -> QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem

ESX.SavePlayer -> QBCore.Player.Save

ESX.SavePlayers -> None (dont bother)

ESX.Trace -> Use QBCore.Debug but dont bother converting this

ESX.UseItem -> QBCore.Functions.UseItem


xPlayer.addAccountMoney -> xPlayer.Functions.AddMoney (account)

xPlayer.addInventoryItem -> xPlayer.Functions.AddItem (item name)

xPlayer.addMoney -> xPlayer.Functions.AddMoney (cash)

xPlayer.addWeapon -> xPlayer.Functions.AddItem (weapon name)

xPlayer.addWeaponAmmo -> xPlayer.Functions.AddItem (ammo name)

xPlayer.addWeaponComponent -> xPlayer.Functions.AddItem (component name)

xPlayer.canCarryItem -> None (xPlayer.Functions.AddItem already checks this)

xPlayer.canSwapItem -> None (xPlayer.Functions.AddItem already checks this)

xPlayer.getAccount -> None (use player data)

xPlayer.getAccounts -> None (use player data)

xPlayer.getCoords -> None (Can use FiveM Native GetEntityCoords)

xPlayer.getGroup -> xPlayer.Functions.GetPermission

xPlayer.getIdentifier -> xPlayer.Functions.GetIdentifier

xPlayer.getInventory -> QBCore.Player.LoadInventory

xPlayer.getInventoryItem -> xPlayer.Functions.GetItemByName

xPlayer.getJob -> None (use player data)

xPlayer.getLoadout -> None (fuck loadouts)

xPlayer.getMoney -> None (use player data)

xPlayer.getName -> None (use player data)

xPlayer.getWeapon -> xPlayer.Functions.GetItemByName (weapon name)

xPlayer.getWeight -> xPlayer.Player.GetTotalWeight

xPlayer.hasWeapon -> xPlayer.Functions.GetItemByName (weapon name)

xPlayer.hasWeaponComponent -> xPlayer.Functions.GetItemByName (component name)

xPlayer.kick -> xPlayer.Functions.Kick

xPlayer.removeAccountMoney -> xPlayer.Functions.RemoveMoney (account)

xPlayer.removeInventoryItem -> xPlayer.Functions.RemoveItem (item name)

xPlayer.removeMoney -> xPlayer.Functions.RemoveMoney (cash)

xPlayer.removeWeapon -> xPlayer.Functions.RemoveItem (weapon name)

xPlayer.removeWeaponAmmo -> xPlayer.Functions.RemoveItem (ammo name)

xPlayer.removeWeaponComponent -> xPlayer.Functions.RemoveItem (component name)

xPlayer.setAccountMoney -> xPlayer.Functions.SetMoney (account)

xPlayer.setCoords -> None (used for teleporting)

xPlayer.setInventoryItem -> xPlayer.Functions.AddItem (item name)

xPlayer.setJob -> xPlayer.Functions.SetJob

xPlayer.setMaxWeight -> None (It is set in qb-core config)

xPlayer.setMoney -> xPlayer.Functions.SetMoney

xPlayer.setName -> None (dont bother)

xPlayer.setWeaponTint -> None (qb-weapons does this)

xPlayer.showHelpNotification -> TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify')

xPlayer.showNotification -> TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify')

xPlayer.triggerEvent -> None (dont bother)

xPlayer.updateCoords -> None (dont bother)


esx:getSharedObject -> QBCore:GetObject

esx:setJob -> QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate

esx:onPlayerSpawn -> QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded

playerSpawned -> QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded (spawnmanager compatibility)

esx:addInventoryItem -> QBCore:Server:AddItem

esx:removeInventoryItem -> QBCore:Server:RemoveItem

esx:useItem -> QBCore:Server:UseItem

MySQL.Async.fetchScalar() -> exports['ghmattimysql']:scalar() or QBCore.Functions.ExecuteSql(true,

MySQL.Async.fetchAll() -> exports['ghmattimysql']:execute() or QBCore.Functions.ExecuteSql(true,

MySQL.Async.execute() -> exports['ghmattimysql']:execute() or QBCore.Functions.ExecuteSql(false,

Conversion tutorial

To convert the scripts, simply utilize the distinct function mentioned earlier. QBCore shares similar functions to ESX, albeit with different names.

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