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Top 3 FiveM Mods for Better Graphics and Performance

Are you in search of the most exceptional graphic modifications for FiveM? Look no further! We have meticulously curated this comprehensive list to present to you the absolute finest graphical enhancements available on the internet for your FiveM gaming experience.

In the world of FiveM, where immersive role-playing and captivating scenarios are the order of the day, the visual aspect plays a pivotal role in enhancing your gameplay. Whether you’re cruising through the streets of Los Santos, participating in thrilling car chases, or embarking on epic adventures with fellow players, having a visually stunning environment can significantly elevate your immersion and enjoyment.


#1 NaturalVision

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If you’re on a quest to find a game-changing mod that can radically enhance the visual appeal of your gameplay, your search ends with NaturalVision Evolved. So what this mod does: This remarkable modification stands as a testament to the transformative power of modding, as it embarks on a comprehensive overhaul of the game’s aesthetics, revolutionizing its lighting, weather dynamics, and environmental textures to deliver an unprecedented level of realism and immersion.

NaturalVision Evolved isn’t just an ordinary graphics mod; it’s a masterful work of art that breathes new life into the virtual world you inhabit. The mod’s dedication to authenticity is immediately evident as it meticulously reimagines the game’s lighting, infusing it with a dynamic quality that mirrors the ever-changing play of light and shadow in the real world. This attention to detail extends to its revamped weather systems, which not only bring forth a more lifelike atmosphere but also react dynamically to in-game events, ensuring that rain, fog, and sunshine all play their roles convincingly.

The environment textures receive a similar makeover, with an astute eye for detail evident in every blade of grass, every building facade, and every inch of the sprawling urban landscape. NaturalVision Evolved’s commitment to realism is further underscored by the subtle nuances it introduces, from the reflection of city lights on wet surfaces to the way sunlight filters through dense foliage.

In summary, NaturalVision Evolved is more than just a mod; it’s a transformative experience that catapults your gaming adventures into a new realm of visual splendor. If you’re in search of a mod that not only drastically improves the game’s visuals but also transports you into a hyper-realistic gaming environment, NaturalVision Evolved is the quintessential choice. Prepare to be captivated by the sheer magnitude of its impact on your gaming experience, as it sets a new standard for visual excellence in the world of modding.

Naturalvision Download

Looking for a free alternative? Check out CoreFX


#2 REDUX for FiveM

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One of the standout graphics mods that deserves a special mention is Redux. This remarkable modification is renowned for its ability to elevate the visual quality of the game to unprecedented levels. Redux goes above and beyond in enhancing various aspects of the game’s aesthetics, ranging from texture improvements to weather effects, resulting in a stunning and immersive gaming experience.

One of the standout features of Redux is its seamless integration of support for 4K resolution. For gamers fortunate enough to possess high-end gaming rigs capable of delivering breathtaking visuals, Redux becomes an ideal choice. With 4K support, Redux unlocks the full potential of your hardware, allowing you to explore the virtual world of the game in awe-inspiring detail and clarity.

The enhancements brought by Redux are not merely superficial; they delve deep into the core of the game’s graphical elements, ensuring that every detail, whether it’s the texture of a weather-worn building or the reflection of sunlight on a pristine car, is presented with meticulous precision. Redux’s commitment to enhancing the overall visual fidelity of the game sets it apart as a must-have for any discerning gamer seeking to push the boundaries of their gaming experience.

Redux website (external)

#3 VisualV

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VisualV is a mod that aims to improve the game’s graphics without sacrificing performance. It enhances the game’s lighting, weather effects, and texture quality, resulting in a more vibrant and detailed world. VisualV is bringing you a completely redone weather effects, edited modificators for areas/interiors, improved color correction and much much more to add some life to Los Santos and Blaine County as well as a fixed rendering code, so your playing experience will be more smooth and nicer.

VisualV on GTA5-Mods


#4 CoreFX (2024 Graphics Mod)

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Completely for free – and in some cases even better than Naturalvision. CoreFX is the 2024 graphics mod for any client: Singleplayer, FiveM & RageMP.

Click here to check it out


Bonus Addon: Forests of San Andreas

e63b77 cover

The “Forests of San Andreas” mod is a transformative addition to the iconic video game “Grand Theft Auto V,” created by Rockstar Games. This mod, developed by a dedicated community of modders, aims to enhance the natural environment within the game, particularly the forests surrounding the fictional state of San Andreas.

Click here to find more info about this mod

While there are many graphic mods available, we genuinely recommend Naturalvision the most. You can also try Reshade.

Naturalvision has the best look and works well without losing too much FPS. 

In conclusion, there are many amazing FiveM mods out there that can help to enhance your gaming experience. Whether you’re looking to improve the game’s graphics, add new features, or simply change up the user interface, mods can help to take your gameplay to the next level. However, if you’re looking for a mod that can truly transform the game’s visuals, we highly recommend trying out NaturalVision Evolved.

Of course, the other mods on this list are also fantastic options that can help to improve the game in their own ways.

Tutorial: How to install Graphic Mods on FiveM

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