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Config file:
Scully = {
Framework = 'none', -- Server Core = scully_core, ESX = es_extended, QBCore = qb-core, Standalone = none
RadioColour = 'default', -- Options are default, blue, brown, cherry, coral, cyan, green, mint, orange, pink, purple, red, white and yellow
AllowColours = true, -- Disable if you don't want people to be able to change their radio colour in-game
ColourCommand = 'rcolour', -- Set to '' if you don't want to allow changing with a command, command is /rcolour 1-11
EnableList = true, -- Set to false to disable the player list
HideListCommand = 'rlist', -- Set to '' if you don't want to allow hiding the list with a command, command is /rlist
ShowSelf = true, -- Enable if you want your own name to be shown on the radio list
EnableEditing = true, -- Disable if you don't want to allow players to change their names and callsigns on the radio
MicClicks = true, -- Disable if you don't want mic clicks
RadioAnims = true, -- Disable if you don't want to use radio animations for holding the radio
UseItem = false, -- Enable if you want to use the radio as an item, will only work for QBCore and ESX
UseItemColours = false, -- Enable if you want to use different items for each colour, this will disable the command also
UseKeybind = 'u', -- Set to '' if you don't want to use the radio as a keybind, can be changed here for first use only or in your fivem keybind settings
UseCustomChannelNames = true, -- Enable if you want custom channel names to be displayed on the radio
ChannelNames = { -- Channel names have a limit of 7 characters or they won't display
[6.25] = 'LEO RTO',
[6.30] = 'EMT RTO'
WhitelistedAccess = { -- What channels should be whitelisted and what jobs should have access to them?
[1] = {
['police'] = true,
['ems'] = true
[2] = {
['police'] = true,
['ems'] = true
AcePerms = { -- Not needed unless Framework is set to 'none'
2 reviews for VIP+ Radio V2 (Ultimate Edition)
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